Saturday 10 May 2014

Lifestyle | Milkmaid Braid


Today I was inspired by the beautiful Zoella. 
She recently did a blog about the 'Milkmaid Braid' and I decided to give it a go. 
I thought my hair might have been too short for the Milkmaid braid, but it worked wonderfully. 
The plaits didn't quite cross over at the top of my head, but with some careful pinning, it all stayed put and looked rather pretty. 

All you need to do is divide you hair in two sections and do two 'regular plaits'. Then secure them. I then secured mine with a 'no snag' transparent hair ties from Primark. You then literally just pick up the plait and pin it to the sides of your head. It takes a bit of work making sure the pins are hidden, but the whole look didn't take me any more than five minutes. 

A great, quick fix for your hair. 
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  1. This looks so pretty! Shame my hair is too short :( Rebeka x

    Rebeka Taylor

  2. Noooo try it! or is it really short? Mine didn't touch at the top, but unless you're very short people won't be able to see the very top of your head anyway :p xx

    1. It's probably long enough to try but it wont look as nice as this and Zoe's! xx
